There aren't enough hours in the day...
I don't have nearly enough time to knit. I know, I know, we all feel that way. It just sucks though. I have made some progress on the sleeves of the cardi I'm knitting, I'd say I'm halfway done with them, then on to the body. I hate knitting sleeves, so I made myself do it first because I knew it was going to be the limiting factor in finishing this sweater. Why do I hate knitting sleeves? It's not so different from knitting a scarf, or even the other parts of the sweater. Now that I think on it, I developed my hatred of sleeve-knitting before my mother told me to knit them both at the same time to insure that they are the same length. Wish she'd mentioned that before I knit the sleeves separately on my first sweater and ended up having to visit the frog pond. That sweater turned into a very pretty throw though, so it all worked out.